All About the Gender
6 Week Ultrasound From day one I was excited to just be carrying such a miracle inside of me, but you would be wrong if you thought I was one of those moms to find out the gender at their delivery. I commend every mom who has the patience to do that, but unfortunately I am not one of them. When I was little I always dreamt of having a baby girl of my own one day because I thought it would be so much fun to be able to mommy and me match, and have a girl to spoil. A few months ago that dream became possible. As soon as I came to terms with my pregnancy I was immediately drawn back to my wish for a baby girl and I couldn’t let that go. The more I researched it became apparent to me that most women have boys first which honestly bummed me out. My sister had 3 kids and all boys, my brother ended up with a boy, and my other sister had a boy first, so the dream of having a girl became a little discouraging, but Dad kept my head up by reassuring me we would have a girl and t...